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mungo clicker

go to the new link!!

why should i go to the new link?
I am going to stop updating this website soon. the new site will have any more stuff i make, as well as automatic saving!




mungapples - increase click value

you have none

minimungos - clicks for you

you have none

biggiemungos - clicks for you twice as fast

you have none

mungapplers - increase mungapples

you have none

minimungomungos - buds off minimungos

you have none

biggiemungomungos - spawns swarthes of biggiemungoes every 9 seconds

you have none

mungofarm - ethically grow mungos

you have none

mungomine - hammer mungos from deep underground - you will occasionally find a super rare mungodiamond!

you have none

you have found 0 mungodiamonds, totalling to $0

(upgrade) - noah's shrooms - double output for everything

mungpark - mungo-themed theme park

you have none

quantummungos - generate mungos in parallel universes - prone to errors

you have none

(upgrade) - quantum fixer - stop quantum errors

mungod - generate ten of everything before this each second per mungod. and a lot of mungos

you have none

keep buying things to unlock more items!